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Spin-off companies

from Automatic Control

This webpage contains a brief description of spin-off companies (co-)founded by researchers from the department of Automatic Control at Linköping university. They are all based on research carried out at our department.

The System Identification Toolbox is a collection of MATLAB functions for creating mathematical models of dynamic systems. Both novices and experts can build accurate, simplified models of complex systems based on observed input/output data. Applications include control system design, model-based and adaptive signal processing, time-series analysis, and vibration analysis. Written by Professor Lennart Ljung.

Scandicraft was founded in 1996 by Dr Jan-Erik Strömberg and MSc Magnus Sundstedt as a result of an academic research project during half a decade at Linköping University. Scandicraft was established to commercially exploit the results of research on control of rotary wing unmanned aerial vehicles. Scandicraft developed not only a range of fully functional autopilots but also a range of helicopter platforms that were successfully used over the years to demonstrate a wide selection of applications such as power line inspection, traffic monitoring, surveillance, coordination of rescue operations, electronic warfare, and mapping. The APID Mk I, II, III and IV platforms produced more than 500 hours of airborne time during the period of 1996 to 2000. In 2000 the developed technology was taken over by Cybaero AB while the service providing business was taken over by new owners and moved to Scandicraft Norway . In 2002 SAAB acquired the non-exclusive rights to the developed technology from Cybaero for the development of the SKELDAR VTOL UAV.

NIRA Dynamics are developing unique sensor fusion-based systems for different vehicle dynamics applications. The advantages with this concept are among other things improved performance, new functionality and lower cost compared to traditional hardware-based solutions. NIRA Dynamics was founded by Professor Fredrik Gustafsson and Dr Urban Forssell as a spin-off to NIRA Automotive AB.

InNetics provides software applications and services in systems biology within the pharmaceutical industry. The company's software tool PathwayLab is an application for in silico modeling, documentation, simulation and other computational analyses of biochemical processes. PathwayLab helps researchers to increase their understanding of disease relevant biological mechanisms with implications for e.g., target validation and prioritization in early stages of the drug development process. InNetics was founded by Dr Mats Jirstrand and Dr Johan Gunnarsson. They received their PhD degrees from our department in 1998 and 1997 respectively.

Softube provides modeling and real-time simulation of guitar tube amplifiers. Softube was founded by MSc Per Connman, MSc Oscar Öberg and Professor Fredrik Gustafsson.

SenionLab is a spin-off company focusing on indoor navigation solutions, stemming from research on inertial navigation, mapping and localization in wireless systems. The first product is a pedestrian indoor navigation service for smart phones. The advantage of our solution is low cost and short time to market, where time consuming mapping procedures are eliminated and only a limited infra-structure is needed. The company was founded in 2010 by Professor Fredrik Gustafsson, Dr Peter Bunus, Christian Lundquist, Dr David Törnqvist, Per Skoglar and Jonas Callmer.

Informationsansvarig: Martin Enqvist
Senast uppdaterad: 2024-08-20