My PhD studies are aimed at a degree, fulfilling the requirements of the ECSEL graduate school.

Study plan

The following table summarizes the graduate courses that I've completed during my work here at the department.

Date Course name Credits

960904 Modeling 5
970312 Multivariable control 8
970423 Project oriented study, ENSYM 6
970425 Principles of Modern Databases 4
970516 A Discipline for software engineering. Project oriented study, STEM 8
980203 Selected Notions in the Theory of Computing 6
980206 Linear systems 6
980304 Convex optimization 3
980304 Nonlinear systems 6
980527 System Identfication 8
980910 Adaptive control 8
981005 Principles of Programming Languages and Environments 3
990506 Adaptive filtering and change detection 3
991214 Robot Modeling and Control 4
000411 Object Oriented Languages for Dynamic Systems - Modelica 3
000614 Dynamic programming 2


The limit for graduation at our department is 80 credits where one credit equals one week of work.

Miscellaneous information

General information is available on some of the PhD courses given at the division of automatic control.