Help for the thesis database

General help

Find our thesises by filling out relevant fields in the form. HTML gives the result as a clickable list that takes you to further information about the thesises, and a possibility to download them when applicable. BibTeX gives the result as a list in BibTeX format.

Several keywords can be given, separated by space, which is also interpreted as an 'or' operation.

All fields accept * and ? as wildcards.
The title field accepts part of the thesis' title.

Just for internal viewers.

'Start date' and 'Close date' dont accepts wildcards. Beware of the date format (YYYY-MM-DD). Leave the first field in 'Start date' and 'Close date' empty if you want to search for thesis before a date. The opposite to get all thesises matching a later date. If you fill out both, the search will be between those dates.

What is displayed and to whom?

For instance this text is not displayed to users outside ISY to do this the 'ifrt' tag has been used. The search fields who isn't shown outside is marked with a 1.
Non local users are just allowed to search thesises which has been approved (passed). This is controlled in the edit form with the property 'Approved: Not passed, passed'.
Non local users, ie logins from outside the local ip-numbers will not be able to see/use the full search and information.

Insert / Update

The insert and update are only available for authorized persons. (Please speak to the system administrator to change permissions.) To insert a new thesis use the 'New report' link in the main search interface. To update or remove a database entry use the 'Edit' link which is shown under the thesises who has been searched for.

Programmer's help

If a change is needed in the interface or in the database a first step to the change is to have a look in the documentation. RXML for Roxen 2.1 and HTML 4 (various dialects) has been used. Further information on the Roxen specific tag's can be found on the Roxen homepage.

Documentation, in swedish